Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Teatralnych
Information in English
Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Teatralnych (The Polish Society for Theatre Research) was established in 2012. It continues the tradition of Polish Society of Theatre Historians, which finished its activity to extend broader range of topics, integrating scholars interested in drama, theatre and performance of any kind.
The aim of the Society is to:
- conduct and support theatre research in every field: theatre, drama and performance in historical and contemporary perspective;
- expand and spread the knowledge about theatre as well as performance arts and to create educational activities;
- stimulate cooperation and discussion, also international, between scholars from different institutions of education and research.
The Society’s activities consist of:
- creating, conducting and supporting research in the broadest range of theatre and performance arts topics;
- creating and organizing congresses, conferences, seminars, lectures, discussions and theatre exhibitions;
- cooperating with universities, institutions and research societies of similar interests in Poland and abroad;
- publishing, conducting edition works, cooperating with existing publishers and magazines promoting the knowledge of theatre and other performance arts;
- creating collections of books, archives, database1s, collecting and sharing all kind of materials and information concerning theatre and other performance arts;
- making statements about the conditions, needs and perspectives of theatre and other performing arts, writing professional evaluations, opinions and guidance.
In 2013 the Society established the annual award for the best Polish publication about theatre, drama and performance arts.
Every two years the Society meets during a congress discussing the most important topics of contemporary theatre studies and other performance arts. The first one was held in Gardzienice in 2013, the second one in Bydgoszcz in 2015, the third one in Łódź (Lodz) in 2017, the fourth one in Spała in 2019. Due to the pandemic, the fifth congress was held in 2022 in Kalisz.The Society has currently around 215 members spread around Poland.
The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a term of four years.
PTBT Executive Committee 2020-2024:
- Prof. Wojciech Dudzik – President
- Prof. Małgorzata Leyko – Vice-President
- Paweł Płoski, PhD – Vice-President
- Stanisław Godlewski, PhD – Secretary
- Maria Napiontkowa, PhD – Treasurer
- Prof. Dorota Fox – Member
- Justyna Michalik-Tomala, PhD – Member
Audit Committee 2020-2024:
- Prof. Artur Duda
- Prof. Piotr Morawski
- Prof. Marzenna Wiśniewska – Chairman
Contact: badania.teatralne@gmail.com